If you use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Office on Mac you may have noticed that Word has aggressive autocorrect functionality which is separate from the general MacOS autocorrect feature. Essentially this means that Microsoft Word autocorrect will continue even if you disable autocorrect in Mac OS through System Preferences. At times, however, this feature becomes distracting, especially in documents that include many acronyms, abbreviations or proper nouns, or if the text doesn’t follow a clean noun-verb sentence structure. In those situations, the constant red and green underlining, indicating spelling and grammar errors. You can always undo any automatic changes to the document or even turn off all changes made in the current document editing session.
In Microsoft Word:
- AutoCorrect is a feature that allows Word to correct common spelling and typing errors and to replace characters with symbols.
- AutoFormat is a feature that controls automatic substitutions in Word, such as automatically creating bulleted and numbered lists, adding borders, etc. (see AutoCorrect options).
How to Disable Spell Check in Word on Windows
To turn off spell check in Word on Windows:
- Open your document and press File > Options.
- Select Proofing on the left side.
- Move to the section labeled “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word” and uncheck the box for Check spelling as you type.
- Optionally, you can uncheck the box for Mark grammar errors as you type directly below it.
- Click OK to save your change(s).
How to Disable Spell Check in Word on Mac
To turn off spell check in Word on Mac:
- Open your document and press Word > Preferences from the menu bar.
- Click Spelling & Grammar.
- In the Spelling section, uncheck the box for Check spelling as you type.
- If you like, you can also stop the grammar check as you work by unchecking the box for Check grammar as you type in the Grammar section.
How can I add AutoCorrect entries?
Step 1. Click on the AutoCorrect tab.
Step 2. Enter a word or phrase that you frequently misspell in the “Replace” box.
Step 3. Enter the proper spelling of the word in the “With” box.
Step 4. Click on “Add.”
How To remove corrections, the steps are:
Step 1. Click on the AutoCorrect tab.
Step 2. Enter the word you want to remove from the list in the “Replace” box.
Step 3. Choose the entry from the list.
Step 4. Press the “Delete” button.