Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Indian History General Science GK Objective Multiple Choice Questions with Answer online Test : Here you are going to get common Indian History general (GK on Indian History) questions with answers. You get fully solved frequently asked objective questions on Indian History (under General Indian History GK). If you are searching where can I get general science gk questions on Indian History with answers for competitive exams, interviews and entrance test, then this is where we provide you with free online tests for practice and preparation. Practicing these General Indian History GK question papers in online quiz mode will help you to improve your performance in actual Tests in any competitive exams like – rail, bank, ssc, psc, upsc, tet, etc. as these sample questions are taken from the question paper of these test.

Indian History GK Questions in Hindi

Ques: हड़प्पा सभ्यता की खोज किसने की थी ?
(A) दयाराम साहनी
(B) राखलदास बनर्जी
(C) एम. एम. वत्स
(D) अन्य
Correct Answer: दयाराम साहनी

Ques: बंगाल को मुगल साम्राज्य से पृथक् कर स्वतन्त्र किया ?
(A) मुर्शिद कुली खाँ
(B) सआदत खाँ
(C) सरफराज खाँ
(D) अन्य
Correct Answer: मुर्शिद कुली खाँ

Ques: भारतीय संगीत का आदिग्रंथ किसे कहा जाता है ?
(A) सामवेद
(B) ऋग्वेद
(C) अथर्ववेद
(D) यजुर्वेद
Correct Answer: सामवेद

Ques: सोने के सर्वाधिक सिक्के किस काल में जारी किये गए थे ?
(A) गुप्त काल में
(B) कुषाण काल में
(C) मौर्य काल में
(D) हर्षवर्धन के काल में
Correct Answer: गुप्त काल में

Ques: 2 एल-नीनो वर्ष के कारण भारत में छप्पनिया कल कब पड़ा?
[A] 1896 व 1897
[B] 1896 व 1899
[C] 1900 व 1902
[D] 1895 व 1897
Correct Answer: [1896 व 1899 ]

Ques: निम्नलिखित में से किस सिख गुरु ने अन्य सिख गुरुओं की कृतियों को एकत्रित कर के पद्यांश के रूप इसका संकलन किया?
[A] गुरु हरगोविन्द
[B] गुरु हरकिशन
[C] गुरु अर्जुन देव
[D] गुरु गोबिंद
Correct Answer: [गुरु अर्जुन देव ]

Ques: वर्नाकुलर प्रेस अधिनियम और शस्त्र अधिनियम किस वाइसराय के द्वारा पारित किया गया था?
[A] लार्ड लिट्टन
[B] लार्ड मेयो
[C] लार्ड डलहौज़ी
[D] लार्ड हार्डिंग
Correct Answer: [लार्ड लिट्टन ]

Ques: हड़प्पा के लोग निम्नलिखित भगवान में से किसकी पूजा नहीं करते थे?
(a) शिव
(b) विष्णु
(c) कबूतर
(d) स्वास्तिक
Correct Answer: विष्णु

Ques: ‘यजुर्वेद’ में यजुर का अर्थ क्या है?
(a) जीवन
(b) प्रकृति
(c) बलिदान
(d) सत्य
Correct Answer: बलिदान

Ques: चाणक्य का एक अन्य नाम क्या था?
(a) देववर्मन
(b) विष्णु गुप्त
(c) राम गुप्त
(d) बृजेश्वर
Correct Answer: विष्णु गुप्त

Ques: पल्लव वंश के कौन से राजा संस्कृत नाटक भी लिखा करते थे?
(a) राजा राज चोला
(b) महेंद्रवर्मन
(c) राजसिम्हा
(d) विक्रमादित्य
Correct Answer: महेंद्रवर्मन

Ques: 1854 की वुड डिस्पैच की उपलब्धियों का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए किस आयोग का गठन किया गया था?
A. बटलर आयोग
B. हंटर आयोग
C. हेनरी आयोग
D. सड्लर आयोग
Correct Answer: हंटर आयोग

Ques: मौर्य साम्राज्य के संस्थापक कौन था?
A. चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य
B. अशोक
C. बिन्दुसार
D. अजातशत्रु
Correct Answer: चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य

Ques: निम्नलिखित में से किसने सबसे पहले यूरोप को भारत से अवगत कराया था?
A. सिकंदर (अलेक्जेंडर)
B. अरब
C. ग्रीक
D. ईरानी
Correct Answer: सिकंदर (अलेक्जेंडर)

Ques: गुप्त संवत की शुरुवात कब हुई थी?
A. 78 ई
B. 320 ई
C. 398 ई
D. 400 ई
Correct Answer: 320 ई

Ques: मौर्य काल में माप और तौल का अध्यक्ष था ——-
(A) संस्थाध्यक्ष
(B) लावानाध्यक्ष
(C) शुल्काध्यक्ष
(D) पौतवाध्यक्ष
Correct Answer: पौतवाध्यक्ष

Ques: निम्न में से कौन प्राचीन तमिल ग्रन्थ व्याकरण से सम्बंधित हैं?
(A) शिल्पादीकारम
(B) मणिमेखले
(C) तोलकाप्पियम
(D) पुराणानूरु
Correct Answer: तोलकाप्पियम

Ques: निम्न में टोचारियन कौन थे?
(A) हिन्द-यवन
(B) शक
(C) पार्थियन
(D) कुषाण
Correct Answer: कुषाण

Ques: भारत के राजधानी दिल्ली में “हिन्दुस्तान सोशलिस्ट रिपब्लिकन एसोसिएशन’ की स्थापना किस वर्ष हुई थी?
A. 1958
B. 1931
C. 1915
D. 1896
Correct Answer: 1931

Ques: जिन्हें 1925 में केंद्रीय विधान सभा के स्पीकर के रूप में चुना गया था ?
A. एन सी केलकर
B. विठ्ठलभाई पटेल
C. मदन मोहन मालवीय
D. लाला लाजपत राय
Correct Answer: विठ्ठलभाई पटेल

Indian History GK Questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: Name the famous warrior begum from the principality of Awadh, who fought the British as part of the 1857 mutiny?
Ans: Begum Hazrat Mahal

Quiz: The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent
Ans: Nirvana

Quiz: The treaty of Mangalore was signed between
Ans: the English East India Company and Tipu Sultan

Quiz: Who is the founder of Haryanka Dynasty
Ans: Bimbisar

Quiz: Who among the following, was in charge of land revenue system during the reign of Akbar?
Ans: Todar Mal

Quiz: Sarnath, the sacred place where Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon, is located very close to which of these cities?
Ans: Varanasi

Indian History GK Questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: Who moved the Objectives Resolution which stated the aims of the Constituent Assembly?
Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru

Quiz: Who among the following is remembered for the annulment of the Partition of Bengal?
Ans: Lord Curzon

Quiz: To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated
Ans: Hindushahis

Quiz: The Battle of Plassey was fought in
Ans: 1757

Quiz: Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after
Ans: military affairs

Quiz: Who was the Indian King when Alexander the great invaded India?
Ans: Porus

Indian History GK Questions for Competitive Exams

Quiz: When Timur did invaded India?
Ans: 1398

Quiz: Under whose leadership was suppression of Thugs achieved?
Ans: Captain Sleeman

Quiz: The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in
Ans: Pattinappalai

Quiz: Nur Jahan was the wife of which Mughal Emperor?
Ans: Jahangir

Quiz: Who was introduced The Chahalgani System?
Ans: Iltutmish

Quiz: Which Delhi Sultan built maximum number of canals?
Ans: Firuz Shah Tughluq

Quiz: Ratnavali an important book is written by
Ans: Harsha

History Quiz

Quiz: Sea route to India was discovered by………
Ans: Portuguese

Quiz: Mughal painting reached its zenith under –
Ans: Jahangir

Quiz: Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after
Ans: military affairs

Quiz: The Viceroy who followed aggressive policy towards Afghanistan was –
Ans: Lord Lytton

Quiz: The word ‘Hindu” as reference to the people of Hind (India) was first used by
Ans: Arabs

General Knowledge Questions about Indian History

Quiz: In what year of Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?
Ans: 1948

Quiz: There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohen-jodaro. This is clear from the
Ans: different types of dwellings excavated

Quiz: Under the Government of India, Provincial Legislatures consisted of two chambers, except in the case of
Ans: Punjab

Quiz: Tipu sultan was the ruler of
Ans: Mysore

Quiz: The two principles monuments of Alaud-din Khilji’s reign – the Jama at Kana Masjid and Alai Darwaza – were constructed at
Ans: Delhi

Quiz: The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was
Ans: Milk and its products

Quiz: The swaraj party was formed by
Ans: C.R.Das

Quiz: Who said that India’s Swaraj would have to come either from the British Parliament or through violence.
Ans: Lord Curzon

Quiz: Todar Mal was associated with
Ans: finance

Quiz: The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the
Ans: land owned b the emperor himself

Quiz: Under the Guptas in eastern India, there was probably an intermediate level of administration between vishayas (districts) and villages. Identify it.
Ans: Vithi

Quiz: Who established the Mughal Dynasty?
Ans: Babur

Quiz: The Satapatha Brahmana and Taitriya Brahmana are the Brahmana texts of –
Ans: Yajurveda

Quiz: When was introduced Boston Tea Party?
Ans: 16 December 1773

Quiz: Triratna concept (right knowledge, right faith and right conduct) are major teachings of?
Ans: Jainism

Quiz: Which one of the following scripts of ancient India was written from right to left?
Ans: Kharosthi

Indian History GK Questions for SSC, CGL, MTS, RRB, JE, IBPS, Bank, PO, Clerk, PCS, Civil Services, Railway, RRB, Group C, Group D

Quiz: Who was the founder of Mauryan empire?
Ans: Chandragupta Maurya.

Quiz: Vedic period existed between ———– and ————–BC.
Ans: 1500 and 600 BC

Quiz: Kalibangan in Rajasthan, Lothal in Gujarat, Ropar in Punjab and Mohenjodaro in Pakistan are important sites of which ancient civilization?
Ans: Indus Valley Civilization

Quiz: Who led cultivators in Bihar during the Non-co-operation Movement?
Ans: Swami Vidyanand

Quiz: . Where did British first open their factories in Eastern part of India
Ans: Orissa

Quiz: In India the first railway line was laid between?
Ans: Bombay and Thane in the year 1853.

Quiz: In which year Delhi was made capital of India in place of Calcutta?
Ans: 1911

Quiz: Who was the first president of Indian National Congress?
Ans: W. C. Banerjee.

Quiz: Permanent Revenue settlement of Bengal was introduced by
Ans: Corn Wallis

Quiz: When did Royal Indian Navy Revolt in Bombay take place?
Ans: 1946

Indian History GK Questions for SSC, CGL, MTS, RRB, JE, IBPS, Bank, PO, Clerk, PCS, Civil Services, Railway, RRB, Group C, Group D

By aqadmin

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